Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Autumn Hailey!

When everyone tells you that the time passes by really quickly - BELIEVE THEM. Our sweet girl is growing up and is now officially ONE.

Although she is not completely walking, she does take a couple steps every now and then. She gets so excited and tries to walk fast, but then gives up and starts "supercrawling".

Autumn had a wonderful first birthday party (pics to come soon). Thanks to Mommo and Tee Staci, her "Sugar and Spice" theme was executed well and everyone had a fun time. She enjoyed all of her gifts, but definitely enjoyed her new motorized car. You should see her face light up when she gets on. Watch out - she is queen of the road!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Update on Autumn

Hi everyone! I've just accepted the fact that I am a HORRIBLE blogger...but I will try my best to do better. Autumn is doing so well! She is adjusting great to school and loves her new teacher - Ms. Jennifer. Of course she did MUCH better on her first day of school than Mommy did.

I still can't believe how quickly she is growing. Here she is all ready for church.

The countdown is on until Autumn turns ONE!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wow! I can't believe that it is January ALREADY! The past couple of months have flown by so quickly. Autumn is growing, growing and growing even more. Between her super fast crawling and inquisitive little hands, I have to make sure that I am always tuned in. We are enjoying being parents and watching as she discovers new things each day.

Autumn is in the process of transitioning over to "big girl" table food. Her new favorite is grits. Yummy! Although she wrinkles and crinkles her nose at the veggies...I'm confident that she will give in soon. :-)

It is so great being close to Grandma and Aunt Staci, who take every opportunity to spoil..I mean show Autumn how much they love her...

We just can't get enough of our sweet girl. Check out this smile...priceless!